Hello Friends near and far,

This website has a tendency to resemble one of those neglected supermarket cork boards where bulletins announce lawn service and reliable car repair. I always know that I left that flyer somewhere, and someone has likely seen it, but only remember that I should be more vigilant when a call comes in from a stranded motorist, a homeowner with a treed cat, or a stranger in need of travel tips.

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All Rights Reserved by Michelle Merritt © 2016

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Travel Tips:

Renew your passport 6 months before expiration. (Note: every 10 years. And get a newer, nastier photo.)

Travel more and often.

Business Tips:

Start one. Go bankrupt. Pay off your debts.

Start the second. Do better. Forget that you’re still broke.

Admit that number two might not have been well thought out. Pay off your debts. Be happy that your cat still loves you.

Long overdue update:

Writing books has been shelved for a bit while writing documents that earn more than a few pennies an hour.

I’ll get back to finishing books 3 & 4 after returning from the Seychelles this November.

Haven’t  had enough yet? Then go to the BONUS ROUND!